An old 18th century farm with a stern, noble profile, typical of Salentese rural architecture: charmingly nestled within a ring of 400 olive trees. This is the face of La Rosa Del Salice, our property in its namesake town northwest of Lecce, Salice Salentino.
Turning it into a vineyard was a major task, to which we dedicated ourselves for three years. Through prolonged crushing and earthworks, this very stony land, traditionally dedicated to agriculture, became 20 acres of freshly-planted native vines: negroamaro, primitivo del Salento, and malvasia nera di Lecce.
We chose to cultivate using the modern spurred cordon training system, which provides optimum foliage exposure, and allowed us to streamline every aspect of work in the vineyard. These are ideal conditions for fostering the best ripening.
Agricultural land by tradition, from the mid-19th century the Salento region has provided France and the rest of Italy with healthy phylloxera-free grapes. With an eye to protecting indigenous treasures, we too decided to invest in the development of this territory. Today we are proud to contribute to the well-deserved revival of Apulian winemaking.